About Us
Concern for man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all technical endeavors. Never forget this in the midst of your diagrams and equations. - Einstein One of the most eminent teams of IITK, Team AUV aims at developing an autonomous underwater vehicle capable of performing a set of tasks underwater from marker dropping, buoy detection to torpedo firing to surveillance. Our team consists of four subsystems divided according to their work. The four subsystems are Software, Electrical, Mechanical, and Business. All the four subsystems are interdependent and work together to make the team best of the best. We participated in the 5th NIOT-SAVe organized by the National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai in December 2016 where we stood first runners-up. This year in addition to NIOT-SAVe we are aiming at International Competitions SAUVC, Singapore, and RoboSub, San Diego, California